National (Data) Resurrection

National (Data) Resurrection
Writer :
Masyhur (Pegiat Sosial - Koordinator PKH Regional Sulawesi)
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

Every year, the Momentum of National Awakening Day is encouraged to become a trigger for solidarity and a spirit of mutual cooperation. 112 years ago, national leaders distributed the hope of revival through a communal spirit. The historical timeline of our nationality is composed of various narratives of unity, solidarity as human beings who share the same fate and willingness to be independent.

Today, the COVID-19 pandemic is a recent challenge that is quite disturbing for us as part of the global community, but has benefited enough from being a citizen of a nation known for solidarity. Apart from the health impacts, the COVID-19 pandemic forms a large space and is filled with socio-economic problems as a result of its aftermath. Sufficient data, funds and resources are needed to unravel the impact.

On the one hand, as a solid national entity, social assistance (bansos) is a pragmatic choice as a quick solution to unraveling the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on society. However, the tsunami for social assistance presents a new fact where the central and regional bureaucracy has not been fully mobilized to provide valid and reliable data services.

Not without efforts, since 2005, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has conducted the Socio-Economic Data Collection (PSE) as the first poverty census in Indonesia. Then, followed in 2008, the Social Protection Program Data Collection (PPLS) was carried out. Then, in 2011, PPLS data, containing records of 40% of Indonesia's population with middle to lower economic status, was submitted by BPS to the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) to be used as an Integrated Database (BDT). In 2015, the BDT was updated by BPS through the Integrated Database Update (PBDT), to then be submitted to the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Social Welfare Information and Data Center (Pusdatin Kesos). (source:

The new era of social welfare data management was marked by the development of the Social Welfare Information System Application-Next Generation (SIKS-NG) in 2017, to manage the Integrated Data for the Management of the Poor and Poor People (DT PPFM & OTM), which in 2019 was called become Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

SIKS-NG, an information system consisting of components for the collection, processing, presentation and storage of social welfare data, which is carried out in stages and continuously, to ensure that poverty data is updated, verified and validated jointly by the Ministry of Social Affairs and local governments up to the kelurahan level / village, at least 2 (two) times a year.

Unfortunately, according to BPK records from 514 districts / cities, only 29 districts / cities have updated their DTKS (reported from Another dilemma is that the Ministry of Social Affairs has limitations in coordinating verification and validation carried out by local governments. In terms of authority, local governments are under the coordination of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

With the data processing infrastructure that has been provided, so that updating the DTKS produces valid and reliable data, thereby minimizing, even eliminating the problem of exclusion errors and inclusion errors, so in the spirit of solidarity, this needs to be a serious concern of the local government to the village government level. .

Finally, through the momentum of national awakening, we hope that a spirit of revival of national data will be born, as an integral part of achieving social justice for all Indonesian people.

20 May 2020, written in the momentum of National Awakening Day

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