Never Stop Sharing, BLBI "Abiyoso" Cimahi Visits Tasikmalaya Regency and City

  • Never Stop Sharing, BLBI "Abiyoso" Cimahi Visits Tasikmalaya Regency and City
  • 15914870142995
  • 15914870236916

Writer :
Humas BLBI "Abiyoso" Cimahi
Editor :
Aryokta Ismawan
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

TASIKMALAYA (June 4, 2020) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Indonesian Braille Literacy Center (BLBI) "Abiyoso" in Cimahi again distributed social assistance in the form of a number of basic food packages to Persons with Visual Disabilities (PDSN) affected by COVID-19, this time in Tasikmalaya regency and city.

In collaboration with the local Social Office, a total of 104 food packages distributed this time were divided into four locations, namely the Al-Hikmah Tasikmalaya Foundation, the Kawalu District Office of the Tasikmalaya City Social Office and the last point in Tasikmalaya Regency.

The Head of the Tasikmalaya City Social Office, Nana Rosadi, warmly welcomed the arrival of the "Abiyoso" Literacy Center team represented by the Head of the Braille Literacy Technical Guidance and Service Section, Amin Suaedi and his entourage. On that occasion, Nana expressed his gratitude because the residents were the targets of the distribution of the basic food packages.

The gratitude was also conveyed by Muhammad Rahmat, one of the PDSN who received the benefits of the basic food package. "I would like to thank the Ministry of Social Affairs for distributing aid through BLBI "Abiyoso", I have received it, this is very useful for us in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic like this. So that we, Tasik, residents can be greatly helped by this assistance, I thank you again,“ he concluded.

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