NEW DTKS: Single Database of Social Protection Programs

The Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) contains data on the need for social welfare services, recipients of social assistance and empowerment, as well as potential and sources of social welfare.

DTKS is managed by the Social Welfare Data and Information Center (Pusdatin Kesos) with data improvement by the local government through the Social Welfare Information System - Next Generation (SIKS-NG) since 2017.

Efforts to improve data integrity consist of improving data, improving processes, and increasing inclusion and accountability on a large scale in 2021. Data improvement is carried out by unifying 4 database islands: DTKS, PKH, BPNT/Sembako Program, and BST into a single data, namely New DTKS.

Continuing to improve, the Ministry of Social Affairs is now updating DTKS by launching the Social Assistance Check (Cek Bansos) Application which allows beneficiaries to check the status of social assistance participation. Then it was developed with the addition of a Propose-Rebuttal menu which allows the community to propose and refute the data on the recipients of assistance.


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