Outreach Team of "Budi Perkasa" Center Conducts Persons with Mental Disabilities Family Assessment
MUSI BANYUASIN (October 23-24, 2020) - "Budi Perkasa" Center Outreach Team (TRC) in Palembang again responded to the stocks case of Persons with Mental Disabilities after receiving a report from the Keluang District Apparatus, Musi Banyuasin Regency. The Head of the Center Siti Sari Rumayanti assigned the TRC Coordinator of "Budi Perkasa" Center Palembang, Elmiana, with the team to immediately go directly to the field in conducting an assessment of the family and related parties regarding the report.
The TRC team was accompanied by the secretary of the Keluang sub-district, Amir Syarifudin and the Head of Social Affairs for the Keluang sub-district, Suparnianto together with the village head Mulyo Asih, Mujiono and those from the Community Health Center who went directly to the scene of the incident by assessing the factors causing stocks and the need for the Persons with Mental Disabilities concerned. The TRC team and the parties involved released the chains that bound Persons with Mental Disabilities feet and removed them from the special room.
The Coordinator of the "Budi Perkasa" Center TRC in Palembang Elmiana together with the Village Apparatus, District, and several parties involved in handling the case held a joint discussion to choose the best alternative for Persons with Mental Disabilities and their families, and did not forget to provide understanding as well as appeal to families and the surrounding community about the maintenance of Persons with Mental Disabilities.
Henceforth, Persons with Mental Disabilities will be given medical treatment by being referred to Ernaldi Bahar Hospital in Palembang which specifically treats People with Mental Disabilities.