Photographer :
Imam dan Agus
Editor :
Early Febriana
Translator :
Intan Qonita N
JAKARTA (October 1, 2024) - Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Robben Rico, became the ceremony instructor in commemorating Pancasila Sanctity Day on October 1, 2024, at the field of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 28 Central Jakarta. The ceremony was led by the Acting Head of the General Bureau, Salahuddin Yahya and attended by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Supomo, Acting Inspector General, Dody Sukmono, Senior Advisor to the Minister for Social Technology, Pepen Nazaruddin and the High-Level Pratama officials and all employees within the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.
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