PENA Muda Roadshow Creates Independent and Successful Entrepreneurs

PENA Muda Roadshow Creates Independent and Successful Entrepreneurs
Writer :
Dian C
Translator :
Fia Arista Dewi

WEST BANDUNG REGENCY (July 1, 2024) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini attended the Nusantara Young Economic Heroes (PENA) Roadshow which was attended by around 200 young people aged 20-30 years at the Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS) in Lembang, West Bandung, Monday (1/7). On that occasion, Social Affairs Minister Risma encouraged the enthusiasm of young people to succeed in business.

"Anyone can be successful if they want to try. Success does not depend on your parents or other people, but depends on your hard work," said Minister Tri Rismaharini in front of the PENA Muda participants who attended the training. PENA Muda is a new program of the Ministry of Social Affairs that targets young people aged 20-30 years from underprivileged families or whose parents joined the Family Hope Program (PKH). The training was attended by 82 PENA Muda, as well as 74 students from various universities in Bandung, 36 beneficiaries from other PENA clusters, and 50 PKH assistants.

This time the Young PENA in Bandung area was provided with basic financial literacy training, simple business development, and online sales management.  In addition, Pena Muda were also trained to use the PENA Notes application to record all their transactions. That way, Pena Muda's financial transactions will be recorded neatly and their finances will be more under control.

In addition to being equipped with various kinds of training, the Pena Muda Bandung Raya Roadshow also attracted talented young designers from Tata Rupa Nusantara. Here, the beneficiaries can consult about their product packaging for free. With more neat, hygienic, and beautiful packaging, the selling price of products will increase and reach a wider market. Students also participated in a fine arts class to learn about branding and product packaging. Students from the Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekessos) also had the opportunity to learn how to enter data.

In developing their business, there are several things that must be considered by the beneficiaries, which are discipline, the desire to learn, and also the determination to give their best. In addition, beneficiaries must also be able to see and create opportunities. The last thing that is also important to take note all the transactions.

Maulana Sidik (26) is one of the beneficiaries from Mekarwangi Village, West Bandung Regency who received PENA Muda from the Ministry of Social Affairs. The man who runs a small convection business feels grateful for the assistance received. "Thank you for this PENA Muda from the Ministry of Social Affairs. I always wanted to be able to open jobs for others, especially my family. Although the business is still crawling, now it can slowly be realized," said Maulana.

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