Social Affairs Minister Provides Operational Assistance and Business Capital for the Family with Multiple Disabilities Toddler

Muhammad Nazril Maulana laughed when Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini was joking to him. While providing ball-shaped toys, the Minister of Social Affairs took turns with Gresik Regent Fandi Akhmad Yani providing stimulation inviting the six-month-old baby to communicate. The Minister of Social Affairs and the Regent of Gresik attended the Gresik Regent's Office, Sunday (13/11), to provide Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) and donations from to the children of Lindi Febrianti and Mochamad Nadif.

Nazril suffers from multiple congenital malformations or the condition that a baby is born with more than one abnormality. Nazril had to undergo several surgeries to grow and develop like other babies. The story then went viral on various media platforms and social media.

To cure his illness, Nazril has received assistance from his parents' participation in Health Social Security Administration Assistance (BPJS). However, operational needs, such as buying daily necessities, transportation and so on, are not an easy cost for their parents who rely on their income from working as factory workers.

To support the treatment process, this little family still needs help.

The Minister of Social Affairs stated that the Ministry of Social Affairs' budget was not designed to support the treatment of diseases that require continuous medical treatment, such as Nazril's illness.

“We can't, our budget is not allocated for treatment like this. It can be helped by benefactors. But there are operational costs, for food, transportation, and so on. Well, that's not a little either. We will help with that," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

To ease the burden on his parents, the Ministry of Social Affairs together with initiated psychosocial support service assistance and fundraising to support Nazril's operational costs during the treatment process, until he recovered. Meanwhile, the total assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs that was given to the Nazril family was IDR22.4 million and assistance donated from was IDR59.9 million.

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