Social Entrepreneurship is Simple, Uncomplicated and Easy to Measure

Social Entrepreneurship is Simple, Uncomplicated and Easy to Measure
Writer :
OHH Dayasos
Editor :
Aryokta Ismawan
Translator :
Syilfi Farhati; Karlina Irsalyana

BANDUNG (3 July 2020) - Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto was one of the speakers at the 2020 Technical Coordination Meeting and Human Resource Improvement for the Family Hope Program (PKH) at Mason Pine Hotel, West Bandung. He explained about the Social Entrepreneurship Program in front of 55 participants.

Participants in the activity came from the Coordinator of the Family Hope Program for the Regions of Java, Lampung, Riau, the coordinators of the Family Hope Program in the Bandung district/city, and the Karawang Coordinator. After the presentation, it was followed by a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the moderator from the Director of Family Social Security (JSK), Rachmat Koesnadi.

The Director General of social empowerment said that the role of the companion for the Family Hope Program has been very important. Currently, the number of companions for the Family Hope Program is 39,000 thousand spread throughout Indonesia. PKH facilitators have a very strategic role in encouraging, educating and delivering the Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program to be more prosperous and independently graduated.

"In the future, we will create a Social Entrepreneurship program. In this program, there is something called the triple track (3T). This program must be made simple, uncomplicated and easy to measure," explained Edi Suharto.

This Triple Track (3T) or 3 stage Social Entrepreneurship program is made simple. Starting with providing Business Capital Incentive Social Assistance (BSiMU). Then there is the Business Incubation Mentoring (MiBi). Mentoring is carried out by someone who has certain abilities to transfer his abilities to the community. Then social assistance is carried out by the District Social Welfare Personnel (TKSK).

"Social Entrepreneurship is a combination of business with social issues. Not only concerned with profit, but also on improving people's lives. There are still advantages in entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship KPM are those who have business potential or start a business," continued Edi.

One of the Coordinators of the Family Hope Program for the East Java Region, Agus, expressed his support for the social entrepreneurship program.

"This program is very interesting for me to adopt, collaborate and even implement. In East Java, there are Beneficiary Families of the Graduation Family Hope Program whose business income can reach hundreds of millions. We can make him a mentor in the future," said Agus.

At the end of the discussion, the participants very much welcomed the business assistance provided to the graduated Beneficiary Families of the Family Hope Program.

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