Successing ATENSI, "Minaula" Elderly Center Builds Synergy with Stakeholders

Successing ATENSI, "Minaula" Elderly Center Builds Synergy with Stakeholders
Writer :
Humas Minaula Kendari
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

GORONTALO (October 2, 2020) - In order to build synergy to meet the new policy directions realized through the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI), the Ministry of Social Affairs through "Minaula" Elderly Center in Kendari intensively socializes and monitors the readiness of partners in the coverage area, not least in Gorontalo Province .

On that occasion, "Minaula" Elderly Center Kendari held a meeting with the Provincial Social Service and several Regency/City Social Offices, such as the Gorontalo City Social Office, Puhowatu Regency and Bone Bolango.

The Head of the Kendari "Minaula" Elderly Center, Syamsuddin, explained that for the success of future sustainability programs, coordination and communication with stakeholders is very important. Some of the things we coordinate are related to the LU ATENSI Program whether it is family-based, community-based, or residential. The role of stakeholders is very important, because ATENSI in the future is multi-approach, complementary and synergized.

"We also build communication with agencies regarding the importance of regulations in order to encourage elderly friendly areas, these regulations are usually in the form of regional regulations for elderly welfare. Alhamdulillah, some of the Heads of Office that we talked to about this, in general, they responded positively and would immediately push for a draft regional regulation for the elderly. If needed as a scientific study team, we are ready to help," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Puhowato District Social Office, Achmad Djuuna, said that he and his staff would fully support the ATENSI Program from the Ministry of Social Affairs, one of which is by continuously improving the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) so that elderly prospective recipients of the program can be wider and more targeted to those who need it. really need.

He also added that he would strive for the realization of a Regional Regulation (Perda) regarding the elderly, so that social intervention could be even better with clear regulations.

Similar support regarding the need to push for regional regulations for the elderly also came from the Head of the Social Office of Gorontalo City and Bonebolango Regency. The existence of a regional regulation will become the legal basis for improving the quality of life of the elderly through program synergies from the center and the regions.

On that occasion, "Minaula" Elderly Center Kendari also visited LKSLU in Gorontalo, such as LKSLU Madhani, Putra Mandiri, and Beringin to provide assistance and evaluation with LKSLU HR. Several programs that have previously been run by LKSLU in Gorontalo have become important assets so that the implementation of the ATENSI Program next year can run well.

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