Technical Coordination and Improvement of PKH Human Resources in Medan

  • Technical Coordination and Improvement of PKH Human Resources in Medan
  • mensos 12112020.5-2
  • mensos 12112020.5-3
  • mensos 12112020.5-4
  • mensos 12112020.5-5
  • mensos 12112020.5-6

Photographer :
Rachmad Aditya
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

MEDAN (12 November 2020) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara attended the Technical Coordination and Improvement of the Quality of the Famili Hope Program (PKH) Human Resources at the JW Mariott Hotel Medan, Thursday (12/11).

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