Safe Relocation of Evacuee Camp Ensures Safety and Comfort

Safe Relocation of Evacuee Camp Ensures Safety and Comfort
Writer :
Try Harijono
Translator :
Laili Hariroh

AGAM REGENCY (21 May 2024) - On Monday (20/5), around midnight, Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini visited the new evacuee camp, which is secure from the threat of cool lava at the Batu Taba football field in IV Angkek District, Agam Regency. On Tuesday (21/5) am, Minister Risma returned to the evacuee area to check on services and inquire about the evacuees' needs.

"We want to ensure that the needs of the evacuees are met," said Minister Risma at the evacuee camp in Angkek District IV, Agam Regency, on Tuesday (21/5) morning, while checking the public kitchen. Every day, the Ministry of Social Affairs' Disaster Response Volunteers (Tagana) in charge of public kitchens prepare 3,300 rice boxes for distribution to evacuees.

Aside from public kitchens, the Ministry of Social Affairs also built tents for psychosocial services, vocational training, prayer rooms, evacuee tents and portable toilets. "This evacuation site is safe because it is not a cold lava route," Minister Risma explained.

Previously, when reviewing the evacuation area last week, Minister Risma requested that it be relocated because of its proximity to a cold lava flow. This was discovered when she compared the evacuation locations to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources map of Mount Marapi's cool lava paths in West Sumatra. That is why, to minimize casualties, Minister Risma requested that the evacuation site be relocated.

The current evacuee area is not only safe but also easily accessible due to its proximity to the Sumatra highway. "The evacuee camps are now not only safe but also comfortable due to the availability of numerous facilities. Thank you, Ministry of Social Affairs," said Mrs Nursima, an evacuee.

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