The Grand Event of the 26th HLUN in Tasikmalaya

  • The Grand Event of the 26th HLUN in Tasikmalaya
  • 16495427174071
  • 01
  • 16495427224945
  • 16495428659869
  • 16495428728774
  • 16495428789587

Photographer :
Pian Ardiansyah
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

TASIKMALAYA (May 29, 2022) - The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini was present with the Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum, Member of Commission VIII DPR RI Hj. Subarna, echelon 1 and 2 officials of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Forkompimda of Tasikmalaya Regency, as well as local leaders at the Peak Event of the 26th National Elderly Day 2022 at Singaparna Medika Citrautama (SMC) Hospital, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, Sunday morning (29/5). On this occasion, the Ministry of Social Affairs provided various services with a total aid value of IDR26,958,320,000.

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