PANDEGLANG (July 29, 2021) - A total of 3,000 rice aid packages from the Ministry of Social Affairs have begun to be distributed to residents affected by the Implementation of Emergency Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Pandeglang Regency.


Following the directions and instructions of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the Ministry of Social Affairs assisted five kilograms of rice per sack to all regencies/cities affected by Emergency PPKM in Java-Bali. This rice aid targets communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic outside of the recipients of the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), the Family Hope Program (PKH), and Cash Social Assistance (BST).


Responding quickly to assistance from the central government, the Social Service of Pandeglang Regency immediately moved to distribute rice to 35 sub-districts throughout the Pandeglang Regency.


"Rice aid from the Ministry of Social Affairs has arrived in Pandeglang Regency with a quota of 3,000 recipients, of which each person gets five kilograms," said Head of the Pandeglang Regency Social Service, Nuriah, in front of several sub-district heads during the symbolic handover of rice at the Pandeglang Regency Social Service Office.


Furthermore, he emphasized that the recipients were those who were affected and had not been touched by social assistance, “However, data by name by population identity number is still needed. What is clear, they must enter DTKS non-beneficiaries of social assistance, "said Nuriah.


Facing the PPKM implemented by the government to reduce the rate of transmission of COVID-19 since mid-July 2021 and still ongoing today, encourages people to be able to survive in the midst of the difficult situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hetty, for example, a housewife, who also owns a grocery shop, said that she began to feel that her income was decreasing since the implementation of the PPKM.


“PPKM reduces income and customers because there are restrictions. To meet the needs during PPKM, just running this small business, whether you want it or not, even though the income is not maximal, as usual before PPKM was there," she complained.


The same thing was expressed by Umiyati, a resident of Kabayan Village, Pandeglang District. Selling vegetables to fulfill her daily needs, she feels that the buyers are getting less and less.

“There are no buyers who come because of this PPKM. My husband uses a motorcycle taxi, the motorcycle taxi is also quiet, it doesn't get passengers every day. It's just that, from selling vegetables, there is a little money to be distributed, half for eating, half for capital, that's it," he said.

However, both of them were greatly helped because they were two of the 3,000 recipients of rice package assistance in Pandeglang Regency. "Thank you to the government for caring and paying attention to us," said Hetty.

Umiyati also said the same thing, "Thank you for giving me five kilos of rice, for daily meals, so I don't have to spend money again, Alhamdulillah," said Umiyati.