LAMPUNG (3 June 2020) - Good news is coming again from the achievement of the 2020 Lampung Let's Study Movement (GAK) innovation program. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, 58 senior high school / Madrasah Aliyah children of the Beneficiary Families (KPM) of Family Hope Program (PKH) in Lampung Province is declared to have passed the SNMPTN and SPAN-PTKIN 2020 selection.
The head of the 2020 GAK Task Force, Slamet Harianto, explained that the 58 PKH children who had been declared accepted by PTN / PTKIN came from six districts / cities in Lampung Province.
"Each of them are 7 KPM children from Metro City, 25 children from West Lampung, 9 from East Lampung, 5 from Pesawaran, 3 from Central Lampung and 9 children from South Lampung," said Slamet.
Unfortunately, four of them said they had withdrawn from the re-registration process. "They resigned because of economic limitations to pay for the Single Tuition Fee (UKT)," he said.
PKH Lampung Provincial Coordinator, Slamet Riyadi, who is also the Founder of GAK Lampung, added that currently his party is coordinating with the Lampung Social Service and the Ministry of Social Affairs to take further coaching steps for the 54 PKH children.
"We are currently coordinating with the Ad Interim of Head of Lampung Social Office and the Ministry of Social Affairs. Hopefully there will be further coaching, especially the complementarity of KIP College / Bidikmisi," he said.
This was done, he continued, so that the 54 PKH children could survive and complete their studies on time considering they came from underprivileged families who received PKH which were registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).
Furthermore, he said that the Let's Go to the College Movement was the PKH Lampung HR effort in the form of a series of coaching for class XII students, which included data mapping, education, motivation and mentoring up to college, and seeking complementarity for KIP College / Bidikmisi, other scholarships or relief of UKT.
"Alhamdulilah, from 2017 to 2020, 292 PKH Lampung children have successfully entered PTN / PTKIN. 75 of them received Bidikmisi, PMPAP Lampung University and other types of scholarships, the rest applied for UKT relief," explained Slamet who is also the recipient of 5 achievement scholarships during his S1-S2 at the University of Lampung.
Slamet Riyadi (Koordinator Wilayah PKH Provinsi Lampung)
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N