Monitoring at the location, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) noted that as many as 423 families or 1,260 people were affected by the flood. The flood points are in Kalangligar Village, Pengasinan Hamlet, and Kampek Hamlet.
Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) also immediately ordered an assessment and recorded residents at the location. There were 182 refugees and 318 housing units affected. Luckily, the flood did not cause any deaths or injuries.
“Efforts are being made to evacuate residents in need to safer locations, especially vulnerable groups,” Gus Ipul said in his written statement, Saturday (11/30/2024).
Furthermore, he said the Ministry of Social Affairs provided logistical assistance to affected residents. The assistance distributed was in the form of 500 packages of ready-to-eat food, 100 packages of ready-to-eat side dishes, and 200 packages of children's food.
In addition to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the West Java Provincial Office has also provided assistance in the form of 200 sheets of blankets, 50 sheets of mattresses, 100 sheets of rolling tents, 50 family kit packages, and 50 kidsware packages.
In addition, there are also 50 sheets of blankets, 50 mats, 120 kg of sardines, 25 packs of formula milk, 50 toothbrushes, 25 bottles of shampoo, and 50 toothpastes. Then, 120 diapers, 102 eucalyptus oils, 50 pieces of bath soap, and 25 boxes of first aid medicine.
Gus Ipul said, currently the flood is gradually receding. Affected residents who fled have also returned to their homes.
The institutions involved in handling affected residents include the West Java Social Service, Karawang Regency Social Service, Tagana Karawang, TNI-Polri, village officials, and related agencies.