SANGGAU (October 18, 2024) - The Ministry of Social Affairs immediately mobilized personnel and distributed aid to flood-affected residents in Tayan Hulu District, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan.

“We (Ministry of Social Affairs) handled the day on October 15, 2024. Tagana and the Sanggau Regency Social Service have assessed or checked the location,” said Acting. Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims Masryani Mansyur, Friday (18/10/2024).

Since the floods hit on Sunday (13/10/2024) until Friday (18/10/2024), the number of affected residents has increased. Now, there are 1,053 families or 3,882 people affected by the flood. The flood also submerged several houses and roads with heights ranging from 1 to 4 meters.

The areas affected by the flood include Sosok 1 and 2 Hamlets, Sekayu Tabat Hamlet, Barage Hamlet, Tahan Hamlet, Moling Hamlet, Dangku Hamlet and Perayan Dangku Hamlet. Currently, as many as 1,049 housing units in the area are also affected by the flood.

The widespread flooding has made the Ministry of Social Affairs immediately expand the distribution range to meet the needs of affected residents. Various kinds of logistical assistance such as 300 children's food packages; 50 kids ware packages; 200 children's clothing packages; 100 adult clothing packages; 75 sheets of mattresses; and 100 sheets of blankets were distributed to these areas. The total aid distributed on Tuesday (10/15/2024) was worth IDR 135,280,000.

Furthermore, Masryani explained, the logistical assistance came from the West Kalimantan Social Service bufferstock warehouse. “For the distribution of goods, we have done it. We push goods from the West Kalimantan Provincial Social Service because the Ministry of Social Affairs bufferstock happens to be there,” concluded Masryani.