PALU (July 11, 2021) – Indonesia has been blessed by God as a country with various ethnicities, religions, and cultures. On the other hand, it has the potential and vulnerability to social conflict.


Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, so that the handling of natural, non-natural, and social disasters can be handled properly, one of which is by maintaining local wisdom.


Therefore, MoSA through the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS) seeks to foster harmony among residents through some social harmony activities by strengthening the capacity of Peace Pioneers (Pordam).


"Capacity strengthening aims to make Pordam Volunteers equip themselves as reliable rescuers in handling victims of social disasters," said Director of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS) Sunarti when opening the activities for Strengthening Peace Pioneers and Monitoring the Evaluation of the PSKBS Program with Commission VIII DPR RI in Palu City, Central Sulawesi, Wednesday (7/7).


Guided by Igun Gunawan, Rony Faisal, and Aldinel Fikri as the Central Psychosocial Support Service (LDP) Team, this strengthening activity is expected to make Pordam a volunteer who is responsive in emergencies through psychosocial interventions.


"The role of Pordam is very strategic, especially currently still in the COVID-19 pandemic situation which requires special and intense attention in efforts to enforce health protocols in the community," said Sunarti.


In this series of activities, MoSA also handed over assistance for social harmony and local wisdom in Central Sulawesi Province worth IDR 1.15 billion to prevent social conflicts and radicalism.


"We are here to maintain and care for national harmonization, so it is hoped that the community's commitment to maintaining peace and caring for local wisdom will increase," said Sunarti.


Member of Commission VIII DPR RI Matindas J Rumambi stated that local wisdom is expected to be the main tool for having a harmonious life.


"Recognizing the importance of these two programs, Commission VIII of the DPR RI together with MoSA as a working partner seeks to channel the program to the community in a targeted and appropriate manner and then provide a sustainable impact," said Matindas.


Ideally, continued Matindas, the two aids would be realized through physical and non-physical activities, of course, by involving elements of the local community.

"It can be realized through the construction of village roads, rehabilitation of religious facilities, construction of sports fields, environmental waterways, clean water supply, construction of environmental lighting facilities, social harmony monuments, and local wisdom," explained Matindas.

The aid was symbolically handed over to the Deputy Mayor of Palu Reny Lamadjido and Deputy Regent of Sigi Samuel Yansen Pongi in the form of:

First, for Palu City in 1 location of Social Harmony Rp. 150 million and 1 location of Local Wisdom Rp. 50 million with an aid value of Rp. 200 million.

Second, Parigi Moutong Regency with 1 Social Harmony location with an assistance value of Rp. 150 million.

Third, in Poso Regency in 4 locations of Social Harmony with an aid value of Rp 600 million.

Fourth, in Sigi Regency in 1 location of Social Harmony Rp. 150 million and 1 location of Local Wisdom Rp. 50 million with a total aid value of Rp. 200 million.

Also attending the series of activities from the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely the Social Service of Central Sulawesi Province, the Social Service of Palu City, the Social Service of Sigi Regency, the Regional Facilitator of the BNPT Saman Team, the Village Secretary, and the Pikoro Sub-District Head.