MAJALENGKA (January 27, 2021) - To ensure disaster preparedness and management in Majalengka Regency, Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives conducted a Specific Working Visit (Kunsfik), Wednesday (27/1).
The chairman of the group of members of Commission VIII DPR RI, Maman Imanul Haq, said that the Kunsfik he carried out with the team was in the context of anticipating and managing disasters in Majalengka Regency.
Accompanied by the Head of the Sub-Directorate (Kasubdit) for Handling Natural Disaster Victims, the Directorate of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Heru Cahyono, Maman said that Commission VIII had deliberately visited Majalengka as an area with a high potential for disaster.
"We ensure to what extent local governments can detect all disaster data, including disaster management itself, whether it is coordination between institutions or direct donations," said Maman.
According to him, from the several visits he made, this was the first time there was a very constructive visit where the entire Majalengka Regency Government was able to attend in full to provide comprehensive data.
Commission VIII, he continued, provided support for the Ministry of Social Affairs to validate data by creating a data verification work committee (Panja). "Then, we also provide input for the recipients of the social assistance itself, such as visiting to this location," he added.
The arrival of Maman Imanul Haq and his entourage was welcomed by the Regent of Majalengka, Karna Sobahi. Meanwhile, it seemed to be present with Maman, 7 other members of Commission VIII DPR RI namely Itje Siti Dewi Kuraesin, Muhammad Ali Ridha, Nur Hasan Jaedi, Jeffry Romdonny, Ahmad and Lisda Hendrajoni.
During the visit, the Indonesian Parliament and the Ministry of Social Affairs also handed over aid for natural disasters in Majalengka Regency worth Rp. 132,717,795.
Ensuring Disaster Preparedness and Management in Majalengka, Commission VIII DPR RI Conducts a Specific Work Visit

Rahandika Prawiro
Alif Mufida Ulya; David Myoga
Intan Qonita N