JAKARTA (January 12, 2021) - For the preparation of even better logistics reports, between the central and regional governments, the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS) held the opening of the Reconciliation for the Preparation of Logistics Reports for Semester II of 2020, at the Amaroossa Grande Hotel Bekasi on Tuesday ( 12/01) which will end on Friday (15/01).
"The purpose of holding this activity is to equalize perceptions in providing logistical and asset data reports from all provinces and regencies/cities to the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Rosehan Ansyari, Head of the Prevention Sub-Directorate.
"This includes how to store, care for, maintain, record and distribute and report logistics goods quickly, accurately and accountably," he added.
Matching inventory data and assets recorded at the Provincial and Regency/City Social Office is the goal, therefore 34 Provinces were invited to attend this activity.
To the provinces that were already present, the Director of Social Protection for Victims of Social Disasters (PSKBS) Sunarti said "The output of this activity is the availability of logistical reports which are the basis for the Ministry of Social Affairs' report database, towards what is called Unqualified (WTP)," he explained.
"The PSKBS Directorate will not repeat unmeasured logistics records," he said.
Due to regulations regarding mobility restrictions in the midst of a pandemic, not all of them will attend this opening, but they will still be presented online. Of the total, 60 people came from 34 Provincial Social Offices and 26 from the Center.
This Reconciliation Activity for the Preparation of the Second Semester of 2020 Logistics Report itself is based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 96/PMK.06/2007
The regulation contains Procedures for the Implementation of the Use, Utilization, Elimination and Transfer of State Property, the Inventory Goods held by the Ministry of Social Affairs are state goods that must be maintained, managed, maintained, reported and accounted for in order to support the smooth implementation of disaster management at the center. area.
"We remain committed to carrying out reporting so that the Ministry of Social Affairs does not receive disclaimer status due to the incorrectness or lateness of the recording of PSKBS," concluded Sunarti.
Equalizing Central and Regional Perceptions, PSKBS Directorate Holds Reconciliation for Compiling Logistics Reports Activity
Ahmad Nuari Ramadhan (Biro Humas)
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N