Southeast Aceh (October 15, 2024)—Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) assessed farmers who died after being swept away by flash floods in Southeast Aceh on Monday (10/14/2024). In addition to the victims who died, MoSA also met with residents who suffered serious injuries and are currently being treated in hospital.

Acting Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA) Masryani Mansyur said that MoSA compensated heirs and victims injured by disasters, including the ones that hit Southeast Aceh.

"For those who died, they were assisted IDR 15 million per heir. Meanwhile, those who were seriously injured were worth IDR 5 million," he said, Tuesday (10/15/2024).

In addition, MoSA has also distributed logistical assistance to communities affected by the flood. The assistance provided through the Southeast Aceh Social Office consisted of 200 children's clothing packages; 200 adult clothing packages;  200 family kit packages; and 149 kids ware packages.

In addition, there is also assistance in the form of 150 mattresses; 200 roll-up tents; 10 portable family tents; 1 multipurpose tent; and 50 blankets. The total assistance is worth IDR 519 million.

As a form of additional support, MoSA in collaboration with the local Social Office has also opened a public kitchen in Lawe Hijo Village, Bambel District, on October 14, 2024. This public kitchen has provided 6,566 food packages per day for three districts. The details are 3,283 packages for lunch and 3,283 packages for dinner.

MoSA will continue to monitor the development of the disaster in Southeast Aceh, especially for vulnerable groups. "If necessary, we will reinforce to affected residents such as Social Support Services (LDP) and if there are vulnerable groups affected by the disaster in Southeast Aceh, we from MoSA will also provide assistance from ATENSI," added Masryani.

ATENSI assistance is provided to vulnerable groups, such as children, people with disabilities, and the elderly. ATENSI is provided according to the needs assessment carried out by social workers. Meanwhile, the Southeast Aceh Regency government has declared a flood disaster emergency status for 14 days, starting from October 11 to 24, 2024. Floods in Southeast Aceh are increasingly widespread, with 82 villages in 13 sub-districts recorded as being submerged by floods due to overflowing rivers and the collapse of several embankments.