JAKARTA (January 14, 2021) - Continuing support for handling the crisis in the first days after the crash of the SJ 128 aircraft, the Peace Pioneer (Pordam) Corps, the Ministry of Social Affairs is entering the second phase of supporting the families of passengers and crew.

The Director of Social Protection for Victims of Social Disasters (PSKBS) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Sunarti, said that in line with the instructions of the Minister of Social Affairs to provide proactive services, the Pordam Corps launched mentoring activities based on Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) by mobilizing 15 escort teams.

This assistance is a continuation of services that have been ongoing since the identification of the victim's family from the area of ​​origin, departure to Jakarta, arrival at the Crisis Center at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, to accommodation provided by the operator.

"Members who have been trained and experienced continue to accompany the families of the victims during the search process, identify the bodies to burial, and later arrange insurance and compensation, as well as strengthening them to continue their lives and lives," said Dr. Puji Pujiono, coordinator of LDP Peace Pioneers at the Ministry of Social Affairs after holding a consolidation briefing on Thursday (14/1).

According to him, the assistance involved several stages, namely introduction and involvement, where Pordam members made contact and agreed on a mentoring relationship with the family (victim). "We also consider the provision of psychosocial first aid, and the management of anxiety and anxiety due to the accident," he explained.

Then, he continued, the needs assessment stage, where Pordam members observe while analyzing the situation of the family (victim) during the post-accident process, including the social challenges of family members (victims) who were left in their hometowns, "And identify practical tasks that need to be done. carried out by the family (of the victim), considering this process is quite complex and stressful," he added.

After that, Puji said, the planning stage, where the Pordam member and family (victim) build an agreement on what needs to be done, when, how and where so that the family (victim) can carry out the required processes.

As for the next, the main stage of assistance. "The (Pordam) members carry out the plans that have been made with the (victim)'s family to the management of insurance claims, as well as compensation, by utilizing the aid relationship itself, mobilizing support from the Social Services and Peace Pioneers corps in the area of ​​origin, as well as elements other service elements from the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Puji.

It was not finished until the mentoring, Puji said that there was an assessment stage. "The family (of the victim) and members of the (Pordam) jointly review the process and results of their cooperation in the relationship of assistance and assistance, and identify new tasks that must be carried out after the victim's burial," he said.

"Well, only after that, the final stage," he continued, "where members (of Pordam) and families (victims) agree to transition to recovery by determining further tasks, finding lessons from the disaster to positively become the foundation of recovery."

In relation to the fulfillment of the final stage, members (of Pordam) ensure that the Ministry of Social Affairs service network continues to support as long as needed.

Burial of the Bodies of Identified Victims

Today (14/1), the family of one of the victims of Sriwijaya Air - SJ 182, namely the late. Asy Habil Yamin, visited the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, after being informed that the bodies of his family members which were manifested on the plane had been identified, after previously the victim a/n Okky Bisma had also been identified and his body brought by the family.

They (the families of the victims) came accompanied by members of Pordam, starting from departure from the lodging location provided by the airline at a hotel in the Gatot Subroto area, South Jakarta, until arriving at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital.

The main task of Pordam members is to provide assistance to the families of the victims. They help the families of the victims who are in shock and still in grief. Not infrequently, they (Pordam) also become a place for their families (victims) to tell stories. Although their presence can not bring back loved ones, at least they are there as solace.

In accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, Pordam helped with the administrative affairs of the victims' families. They (Pordam) assist families who are constrained in meeting the requirements needed.

Shortly after the body was handed over to the victim's family, the body was then taken by ambulance to the Tanah Kusir Public Cemetery (TPU), South Jakarta accompanied by the family (of the victim).

In this process, members of Pordam accompanied him to the grave. The Peace Pioneers continue to accompany the families (of the victims), until the bodies of the victims are covered with soil.

As is known, the Ministry of Social Affairs formed a volunteer corps of Peace Pioneers on September 21, 2010, and was officially inaugurated as the Pioneers of Peace 'PORDAM' Indonesia on December 2, 2020 in Mesuji Regency, Lampung Province some time ago.

Currently, PORDAM has 1,500 members from various groups of activists and community leaders throughout Indonesia. PORDAM is an asset of the Ministry of Social Affairs in dealing with social disasters, conflicts and non-natural disasters, including the consequences of this plane crash.