SUKABUMI (July 6, 2021) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through the
Family Hope Program (PKH) can improve welfare for Beneficiary Families
(KPM), one of which is in the field of education.
In PKH there is an Enhanced Family Ability
Meeting (P2K2) by PKH companions to educate each KPM so that their children do
not drop out of school and motivate them to continue to college.
KPM PKH Nuryenti, 38, with her daughter Seli
Nurlatifah as the eldest of two children, is a resident of Kp. Cibuntu RT. 012/
RW. 005, Loji Village, Simpenan District, Sukabumi Regency.
Nuryeti's daily activities as a housewife and her
husband, Uwoh, 46 years old, farm laborer and craftsman, are sold to fishermen
for IDR 15,000.
When she received PKH, Seli was in class XII of
Simpenan State 1 Senior High School, Sukabumi Regency in the final semester, and
during her high school years, she achieved academic and non-academic
achievements through competitions held by the school.
"While at school, you can get class
rankings, poetry, and speech competitions. In semester 1, class XII will be
ranked 2nd and in the final semester (two) will be ranked 2nd and general 2nd
rank (all class XII)," said Seli, Sunday (27/6/2021).
Seli is currently sitting in the 6th semester at
the State Islamic University (UIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin, Banten at the
Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, Islamic Banking Study Program.
Entering UIN is through the National Academic Achievement Selection of State
Islamic Religious Universities (SPAN-PTKIN).
At the beginning of college, Seli was charged IDR
3,785,000 and took several tests to reduce tuition fees, and finally, she graduated
and got it.
“When I started college, I took the Koran and
computer-related tests. When it was announced, Alhamdulillah, I
graduated and so the tuition fee was IDR 400 thousand including the cost per
semester,” said Seli.
Seli's goal for the family is to provide welfare
in the form of helping her parents and paying for her sister's education.
"In the future, Seli wants to help her
parents, pay for the health insurance of her parents, pay for school tuition fees
for her siblings, and her father will not be tired of working
anymore," said Seli.