Surabaya (July 5, 2021) - Since its establishment on Sunday afternoon (04/07), the Public Kitchen of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Surabaya has started distributing 5,000 food packages today, Monday.


The amounts are 2,000 packages for Surabaya City, 1,500 for Gresik Regency, and 1,500 packages for Sidoarjo Regency.


The Public Kitchen, which is located in the Convention Hall courtyard, Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim Surabaya, has started cooking food and boiled eggs that will be sent to Health Workers and patients at hospitals in the Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Gresik areas.


Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini on Monday morning (05/07), checked the team's readiness and ensured that activities in the Public Kitchens continued to comply with health protocols.


"Come on guys, avoid crowds when you work. Keep distance," said Social Minister Risma to the Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) volunteers who work in the Public Kitchen.


Every officer involved has also carried out a Rapid Antigen Test before starting activities in the Public Kitchen.


Regarding distribution, since Monday morning Minister Risma has also ensured that the vehicles are ready so that the food will be delivered to its destination immediately.


“There are small tents to be used in Sidoarjo and Gresik. If the truck is still on its way from Lamongan, it's better to just send it there. It's closer," said Risma.


In addition to food package assistance, MoSA also provided several other equipment assistance for Surabaya City, consisting of 2,500 N95 masks, 60,000 medical masks, 2,500 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 10 multipurpose tent packages, and 300 verbed units (folding mattresses). Meanwhile for Gresik and Sidoarjo regencies each 15 cartons of medical masks, 175 PPE packages, 10 multipurpose tents, and velbeds (65 units for Gresik Regency and 50 units for Sidoarjo Regency).


As a quick step for the Covid-19 pandemic emergency response service, Social Minister Risma has instructed MoSA to establish a Public Kitchen that provides food for health workers and isolated patients. To date, five public kitchens have been operated, namely Public Kitchens at MoSA head office in Salemba, Jakarta (21 to 28 June 2021); Public Kitchen in the Convention Building of the National Heroes Cemetery (TMPN) Utama Kalibata, South Jakarta (starting June 29); at "Wyata Guna" Center Bandung (starting July 3); at Soeharso Center Solo (starting July 4) and at the Convention Hall courtyard, Jalan Arif Rahman Hakim, Surabaya City (starting July 4).