JAKARTA (18 May 2021) - Disaster management requires comprehensive coverage to not only cover nature-related disasters but also social and humanitarian disasters.

"The spirit in the Disaster Management Bill must cover the anticipation of victims of terrorism such as in Papua and refugees," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini after an unannounced inspection at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/5/2021).

Disaster management needs a strong legal umbrella. In the current context, it does not include disasters related to social and humanity.

"The spirit that must be in the Disaster Management Bill is to be more comprehensive. It must cover natural, social, and humanitarian disasters, “said the Social Minister.

Up to now, there might be residents or evacuees of a disaster who had suffered but had not been handled properly.  

"We need evaluation as we are preparing a logistic storage room and a truck which can move quickly to the disaster site at any time. In fact, guest room was also transformed into a logistic storage area, "said the Social Minister.

Apart from speed and accuracy, it is necessary to have an orderly administration by cooperating with the Government Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP).

"I have taught fast and precise reactions, as well as administrative procedures with LKPP related to logistics management. So, there is no need to worry about expensive goods," he said.

With an electronic system in disaster management supported by LKPP, there would be less manual interference by 'people' because of all the working systems.

"In LPKK there is a mechanism. You don't have to worry about expensive items. It will help with physical logistics administration, less interference from people, and no more prejudice because all the systems work automatically," said the Social Minister.

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Ministry of Social Affairs