INDRAMAYU (19 December 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs observes and distributes logistical assistance worth 224.9 million rupiah for victims of tidal flooding in the Eretan Coast of Indramayu Regency, Saturday (19/12). The logistical assistance was in the form of 1,000 basic food packages, 50 mats, 40 mattresses and 30 blankets.


Assistance was handed over by the Director of Social Protection for Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA), M. Safii Nasution, as a representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs, together with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) team, as well as Commission VIII of the House of Representatives led by Deputy Chair of Commission VIII, TB ACE Hasan Syadzily and symbolically accepted by the four village heads who were affected by the flood, namely Eretan Wetan Village, Eretan Kulon Village, Eretan Ilir Village and Kertaminangun Village.


As reported, high waves in Java Sea waters caused tidal flooding in at least two villages in the coastal area of ​​Indramayu. Thousands of houses in Eretan Wetan and Eretan Kulon Villages, Kandanghaur District, are known to have been affected by the worst tidal flooding since Sunday (6/12).


The Coordinator of the Indramayu District Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana), Waminuddin, said that at least 2,772 houses in the two villages were submerged in water. In fact, as many as 52 houses of them were damaged.


"As of today (Saturday), most of the houses are still submerged," he said. The water level varies with a range of 20-60 cm.


Before being submerged, he continued, sea waves as high as about two meters hit residential areas. The condition was exacerbated by the continuous rain falling for the past two days. Not only are sea waves and rain intensity still high, the absence of a drainage channel also contributes to low tide.


"These factors keep the water from receding. Even if it recedes it will take a long time," he said.


However, he said, residents still stayed in their homes. "No one has fled," he said.


Meanwhile, high waves are known to have made a coal barge stranded on Eretan Kulon Beach.