JAKARTA (25 October 2023) — The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) is participating in one of a series of KORPRI Anniversary activities in the form of blood donation community service to commemorate the 52nd Anniversary of the Indonesian Civil Servants Corps (KORPRI).

On Wednesday morning (25/10), the Korpri National Management Board (DPKN), represented by the Chair of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) Career Development Department Sri Gantini, delivered a speech and launched the blood donation community service at the MoSA Polyclinic.

"This blood donation is very special because it will be recorded in the Indonesia World Records Museum (MURI) as the largest number of blood donations in the ministry and institution category," explained Sri Gantini.

This blood donation will take place over the course of a week, from October 23 to October 27, 2023, in nine different locations across Indonesia, involving all ministries and institutions.

The blood donation is aimed at 100 participants from 10 ministries/institutions, including the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), General Elections Commission (KPU), National Library, Judicial Commission, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB), Taspen, Social Security Agency (BPJS), the National Commission on Human Rights, National Development Planning Board (Bappenas), and the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Head of the Sports, Arts and Culture Subdivision of the Korpri Secretariat, Pier Lailani Busjra, said that the Ministry of Social Affairs through the KORPRI Secretariat as part of the National Korpri is ready to support and enliven the 52nd KORPRI Anniversary series.

This blood donation community service is not only intended to meet the need for PMI blood bags, but it is also part of the government's efforts to develop a sense of fraternity and humanity, as well as social values that have a favorable impact on health.

A participant, Mr Hamdani of Bappenas, stated that his aim in participating in this blood donation was because of the humanitarian mission to aid people in need.

"We from ASN and the private sector voluntarily provide blood donations related to humanity for people in need, and hopefully KORPRI can continue to progress both in terms of humanitarian activities and other social activities," he explained.

Apart from the blood donation community service, the DPKN held various activities as a series of the 52nd KORPRI Anniversary, including the Peak Event in the form of a roll call and art appreciation, pilgrimage in Kalibata, 2023 Korpri Award, 2023 Korpri Ambassador Election, National Seminar, visit to the orphanage, e-sport tournament Mobile Legend, and Muri's health walk record-breaking.