JAKARTA (25 May 2023) -- The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Social Affairs affirms its commitment to accelerating the mainstreaming of gender equality, disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI) in development programs.  Development is carried out based on the principles of “no one left behind”.

These statements are the main thoughts conveyed by the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini in her remarks at the 11th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development (11th AMMSWD).

In the meeting which was held virtually, the Minister of Social Affairs conveyed the concrete steps taken by the Indonesian government in adopting the GEDSI spirit.  According to the Minister, in the implementation of development, interventions are carried out by accommodating different contexts and conditions for each KPM.

"Thus, the interventions carried out are more effective and encourage transformative changes for poor women, persons with disabilities, and disadvantaged and marginalized groups," said the Minister (25/05).

In the meeting on the topic "Accelerating the Implementation of ASEAN's Commitment to Gender Equality through Gender Mainstreaming and Social Inclusion", the Minister of Social Affairs explained one of the empowerment programs to increase the economic independence of the poor, namely National Economic Hero Program (PENA).

The Minister of Social Affairs stated that 70% of PENA program recipients were women, including women with disabilities.  "This program aims not only to increase women's access to economic resources but also to increase their access to financial services and other productive assets," she said.

PENA also provides skills development and open market information that can help them renegotiate their position and role in the private and public sectors.  "This program also recognizes the contribution of women to sustainable growth and development," she said.

Indonesia is also committed to protecting vulnerable groups including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities in risk and emergencies through the implementation of adaptive social protection.

The government also accommodates the GEDSI basic principles in disaster risk management (DRM) which consist of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery to achieve a more inclusive response and recovery and to build back better.

The government through the Ministry of Social Affairs ensures that they are in the same spirit in accelerating regional efforts to protect vulnerable groups in ASEAN, especially for persons with disabilities.  "We are happy to welcome you at the upcoming onsite meeting in Indonesia," said the Minister.

Present to the meeting Special Advisor to the Minister for Social Welfare Service Recipients and Social Welfare Resources Potential, Luhur Budijarso Lulu, Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Pepen Nazarudin, Acting Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities Nursyamsu, and Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau, Romal Uli Jaya Sinaga.