CIMAHI (October 23, 2019) - Indonesia Braille Literacy Hall (BLBI) "Abiyoso" Cimahi conducts the activities of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the preparation of standardization of production produced directly led by the head of BLBI "Abiyoso", Isep Sepriyan located in Hall.

This FGD event presents three resource persons namely Didi Tarsidi (extraordinary lecturer of Graduate School special Education Program of UPI Bandung), Sakroni (Poltekesos) and James Tri Bagio, M.Pd (Faculty of Bandung SLBN A) and the drafting team of standardization production products.

Isep Sepriyan hopes that the informant can refine the draft standardization parallel to the change of nomenclature from the Braille Publishing Hall to the Braille Literacy Hall. This is in accordance with Permensos number 18 year 2018 that BLBI "Abiyoso" has the role of a maintainer, reference system and Braille Literacy Laboratory and Progres 5.0 NEW Platform Directorate of Social Rehabilitation as a service of advanced social rehabilitation for the disabled.

In the first FGD session, the moderator of the discussion facilitated the opportunity for the speakers to alternately convey views, responses and suggestions to the standardization draft that has been proposed by the drafting team. While in the second session was followed by a discussion to obtain agreement and determination for the editorial improvement and substance of standardization draft of BLBI production result "Abiyoso" Cimahi.