BENGKULU (September 17, 2019) - All employees and benefit  recipients of the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Dharma Guna" in Bengkulu carried out the National Awareness Ceremony on September 17, 2019 with the Head of the Ceremonial Board of Trustees, Dardi.

On that occasion the awarding of Satyalancana Karya Satya (SLKS) was carried out in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 78 / TK / 2019 concerning the Awarding of Satyalancana Karya Satya Honor, to eight ASNs in the BRSPDM "Dharma Guna" environment in Bengkulu, including are: Dilin (SLKS 30 years), Joko Juniarto (SLKS 20 years) and Imi Fitriah (SLKS 20 years). While the 10-year SLKS was given to Yosi Yomarta, Sasdiarman, Yuristen Hadi, Wahyu Sukamto and Martini. Embedding badges and awarding certificates are directly made by the Head of the Center as the ceremonial supervisor.

In his mandate, Dardi said that the SLKS award was expected to be able to maintain and improve Discipline, Perform, Synergize and always maintain Dignity as an State Civil Apparatuses and the dignity of the institution and could be an example for other State Civil Apparatuses, the community at large.

"We congratulate the recipients of the Satyalancana Karya Satya award for being able to provide the best examples and role models to all ASNs and to continue to be enthusiastic in working in a professional manner," said Dardi.