(January 27th, 2024) –
The improvement of services for society needs various massive, structured
efforts. It can be done by reinforcing data team and public relations team.
“There are uninformed facts which make individuals, communities and society are constrained on getting social assistance due to limited access,” Secretary of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation said while opening Public Relation and Data Management Coordination Meeting of 2024 by Zoom in Jakarta on Friday (January 26th).
Various activities should be categorized into which clustering of social rehabilitation handling, including data and public relation management of Ministry of Social Affairs programs before being launched to the society.
“There is no longer a Social Consultation Center, but there are social counselors who should disseminate and educate the people about Ministry of Social Affairs’ programs that have been launched,” Salahuddin said.
One can imagine if the 31 centers publish the news simultaneously with the help of social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, X, TikTok, etc.
“The present demands 70-80 percent communication activity through social media channels. It means that 31 centers and integrated centers are required to revive and strengthen their social media," he said.
In the next meetings, it will be important to report five centers with the highest followers and the most up-to-date centers informing various outreach activities.
“The data team provides the materials and public relations team transforms it for publication and news. With good collaboration between data team and public relations team massively and structurally, the society will be able to get the correct information about Ministry of Social Affairs’ program,” he said.
As a follow, social media activity of the centers or integrated centers will be one of the performance indicators. This includes how many followers they have and when was the last update.
“The performance is measured from the activities of 31 centers and integrated centers’ social media. At the meeting with Depok Social Office, they complained that they got no information about Ministry of Social Affairs’ programs such as Assistance for Fatherless, Motherless, and Orphans (YAPI), Food Assistance, Nusantara Economic Heroes (PENA) and other programs,” Salahuddin said.