PATI (October 22nd, 2019) - "Margo Laras" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) Pati carried out the Case Response of People With Mental Disabilities (PDM) in the Trangkil Village, Trangkil District, Pati Regency, Tuesday (10/22).

Based on information from Dinar, TKSK of Trangkil Subdistrict, there are two People With Mental Disabilities due to the condition of their families, which did not receive proper treatment. First is the "SR" which is put in by the family because disturbing the environment, while the other, which is "S" because of the economic condition of the family does not receive medical assistance.

"S" does not have BPJS PBI, so he cannot access medicine for free. Did not bath for days because they don't have public bathing, washing, and toilet facilities (MCK). The Head of Social Assessment and Advocacy Section Yasin and Social Worker Wahyu finally bathed "S" by asking for water from their neighbors. After being bathed, "S" looks clean and neat.

The neglected People With Mental Disabilities (PDM) case response activity in Trangkil Village is still in the assessment stage and the next stage will be carried out a referral to the psychiatric hospital to get medical services.