MATARAM (October 16th, 2019) - Three families came to the "Paramita" Rehabilitation Center for Children who Needs Special Protection (BRSAMPK) Mataram in fulfilling the invitation of the Head of Rehabilitation Center, Ahmad Subarkah in the handover of babies who have been cared temporarily in "Paramita" BRSAMPK Mataram to become an adopted child through a child adoption program or commonly known as Adoption.

The adoption of children carried out has fulfilled the requirements and procedure flow in accordance with Government Regulation Number 54 of 2007 about Implementation of Child Appointment. Subarkah mandates each Prospective Foster Parent (COTA), "Ladies and gentlemen, who are present here are good people and are chosen to care for and become parents of these babies, hopefully you can love these children like your own children and give them the rights of a child.

During the meeting, the Head of the rehabilitation center with the Prospective Adoptive Parents signed the report of the handover from rehabilitation center to COTA which were witnessed by their families, as a form of their acceptance of new members of the family, so that the closeness of the family also helps the child's growth and fulfillment of children's rights.

At the end of the meeting session, COTA handed over assistance to Balai as a form of their contribution and concern for disadvantaged children who are currently undergoing rehabilitation and are beneficiaries in Paramita. The assistance is expected to be useful and beneficial for "Paramita" BRSAMPK Mataram Social Welfare Service Recipient (PPKS).