JAKARTA (May 19, 2020) - Following up the Minister of Social Affairs regarding the Role of SLRT and Puskesos in handling the COVID-19 Bansos complaint on April 29, 2020, Directorate of Social Empowerment of Individual, Family, and Public Institution held Technical Guidance e-Learning SLRT through teleconference. Director General of Social Empowerment, Edi Suharto, provided guidance on the strategic role of SLRT and Puskesos in handling complaints from the public. Not only during the COVID-19 pandemic, but before and after this pandemic, SLRT and Puskesos have a role in overcoming community complaints regarding social services.

SLRT has a strategic function, which is to oversee the distribution of social assistance. Socialization and education to the public can also be done by SLRT and Puskesos. Publication will support the existence of SLRT. For example the publication of a short video about the activities and testimonies of residents who have already felt the benefits of SLRT and Puskesos.

In carrying out their duties, SLRT and Puskesos collaborate with other social pillars in the community. At present, regions can already access data easily through SIKS Android. This was conveyed by Kapusdatin Said Mirza while speaking at the teleconference.

Technological developments make it easier to update data through SIKS-SLRT Module Application. In order to get to know the application of SIKS-SLRT Module, technical material was directly delivered by PT Mahkota. The teleconference was attended by approximately 150 participants from the SLRT Technical Team, 150 district / city Managers, Provincial SLRT coordinators, and participants from the Center.