JAKARTA (May 17, 2020) - Director General of Social Empowerment conducted a meeting about Social Assistance in the form of Rice for COVID-19 which will be launched in July. He gave an instruction and managed the team as directly mandated by the Minister of Social Affairs to the Directorate General of Social Empowerment. This social assistance will be given to 34 provinces and 514 districts / cities.

Furthermore, Director General of Social Empowerment considers that there are some things that need to be immediately made, including the timeline, the scheme of the social assistance, the Decree of the Monitoring Team which involved Ministry of Social Affairs, Bulog and Social Service, the Cooperation Agreement between Ministry of Social Affairs and Bulog, save guarding system, publications strategy, and also the involvement of TKSK, PSM and Karang Taruna.

The Head of Planning Bureau presents the results of the meeting which there is an additional social assistance after emergency assistance which distributed between April-Juni 2020. There is post-disaster social assistance that is in the form of rice. This assistance will be distributed for 6 months with 15 kg per month / family.

The data of the beneficiaries are out of PKH and BPNT receiver. District / municipal Social Service has a function to verify and validate the data of beneficiary. The Center of Data and Information (Pusdatin) receives the data from the region and updates it to SIKS-NG. There will be better if the dashboard can also be accessed either by Bulog and Social Services.

Before the social assistance for rice is distributed, socialization needs to be carried out so that people can understand the changing of the form of social assistance, which was originally a basic food aid to rice assistance. We also need to prepare the monitoring team.

Directors of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, Planning Berau and Inspectorate General, echelon 3 of Secretariat Directorate General of Social Empowerment, Head of TKSK and Youth Organization subdivision, the section heads, representatives of Pusdatin also attended the meeting.