JAKARTA (19 June 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Empowerment ensures that residents of Remote Indigenous Communities (KAT) receive basic social services and live decently in terms of clothing, food and housing. For this purpose, the Ministry of Social Affairs records population data for KAT residents whose civil rights have not been fulfilled.
KAT residents' population data must be registered in order to access government assistance. In line with the direction of the Social Minister Tri Rismaharini, the Ministry of Social Affairs is targeting as many as 2,500 KAT residents to have their population data recorded by 2021.
"According to government policy, the assistance disbursement must follow the principle of by name by address (name matches the address) so that nomadic residents must record their population data so that they can receive assistance," said Director of KAT Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Laode Taufik Nuryadin, at the time. met in Jakarta, (19/6/2021).
As directed by the Minister of Social Affairs, the recording of population data for KAT residents must be carried out so that they are included in the social protection scheme. In collaboration with the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the recording of population data for KAT residents has been carried out since last February by coming to tribe residence.
"There are about 6,000 Anak Dalam Tribe (SAD) residents in several districts of Jambi Province whose population data has been recorded," said Taufik.
The Ministry of Social Affairs found that there were a population of children and elderly among the KAT residents. According to Taufik, they are considered as vulnerable group because they suffer from malnutrition and a food crisis.
"The Ministry of Social Affairs is here to ensure that KAT residents live decently from a humanitarian perspective," said Taufik.
By recording population data, the life expectancy of KAT residents, especially vulnerable groups, increases. After being officially recorded in population data, KAT residents can access Ministry of Social Affairs' programs such as the Family Hope Program (PKH), Sembako Assistance (BPNT), and other social assistance.
"After the KAT residents receive their ID Number, the Social Office in each region will upload their data in SIKS-NG which will then be verified and validated by Pusdatin so that they can enter DTKS," said Taufik.
In addition to recording population data, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also built shelters so that KAT residents are safe and have a permanent address. "They must have a permanent place to live so they can get basic social service guarantees," said Taufik.
In the future, the recording of population data for KAT residents is expected to be carried out in stages throughout Indonesia.
"Although the implementation is constrained geographically and technologically, we hope that the population data recording that has been done for SAD can also be done to KAT residents in other areas," said Taufik.
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Ministry of Social Affairs