JAKARTA (September 30,
2022) – Social Granary Program is one of the keys, as well as a bright spot
in responding to the biggest challenges that are often faced, especially the
difficulty of distributing logistical assistance to locations when a disaster
occurs. This was conveyed by the Head of the Pacitan Regency Social Office,
He said that in disaster
management, sending logistics to disaster-affected locations took quite a
long time. "Logistics for people who needs it when a disaster occurs takes time to be distributed to disaster victims. Now, if we calculate, for
example, we take (logistics) from Jakarta or Bekasi (to Pacitan), this will
take quite a long time. We just pass the toll road (takes time) up to 10
hours,” said Sumorohadi recently.
This distribution was
hampered by the length of time and distance traveled, while disaster assistance was needed in a fast and short time so that a solution is needed to deal with
the anxiety that was often experienced.
It didn't stop there,
Sumorohadi added an example of a major flood disaster that hit the area in
Pacitan Regency five years ago. “In 2017, a big flood hit Pacitan Regency. The
disaster caused several routes to Pacitan Regency to be cut off,” he said looking
back at the flood incident.
In addition to the
distance traveled, various other possibilities can be an obstacle to
distribution. For example, roads are cut off, access cannot be passed because
they are closed, and other possibilities can become obstacles during the
distribution of aid.
This was made clear by
the Head of Kiteran Village, Rembang Sub District, Pacitan District, Slamet
Riyadi, who said that when the disaster occurred, the people experienced food
shortages due to the cut-off road access to the location.
“At that time, our
hamlet had difficulty getting food. It is quite difficult to rely on outside
assistance because logistics distribution is hampered by the cut-off access to
Pacitan due to floods and landslides," explained Slamet.
Reflecting on the
obstacles that are often experienced, the Ministry of Social Affairs
established Social Granary Program as an effort to meet basic needs in dealing
with disasters in the form of buffer stocks of consumables, as well as other
social assistance.