PEMATANGSIANTAR (November 12, 2020) - The Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, has discussed increasing the target for the Graduation of Beneficiary Families (KPM) for the Family Hope Program (PKH) from 10 percent in 2020 to 30 percent in 2021. The increase in the number of graduates is to provide opportunities poor people who have never experienced the benefits of PKH can replace those who have graduated.

"If the Director General says the target for graduation is 10%, then if I need to increase it to 30% next year," explained Juliari when giving directions at the Simalungun PKH Human Resources Technical Coordination Meeting, Thursday (12/11).

To be able to achieve this target, said Juliari, PKH assistants need to work hard in carrying out their duties. For this reason, PKH companions must eliminate feelings of discomfort for PKH KPMs who are eligible for graduation, but are reluctant to do so.

"In carrying out their duties, PKH assistants are not only tasked with assisting, but also assessing whether the KPM is still eligible or not to accept PKH," added the former chairman of the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) for the two periods.

There are two kinds of KPM PKH graduation processes, namely natural graduation and independent prosperous graduation. Juliari explained that PKH companions must understand the process.

"Don't let KPMs who have been 10 years old still get assistance. This is passive income. This violates the principles of humanity. There are others who are viral on social media that they already have a nice house and can pay for their vehicle, but still getting PKH. Don't let that happen again," explained Ari, the Social Minister's nickname.

In the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the government has set a poverty rate target of 7% to 6.5% by the end of 2024. Therefore, PKH as a national program in terms of poverty alleviation must be able to realize the targets that have been set. announced by the President.

"The PKH quota of 10 million KPM is very large and very significant in reducing poverty. However, the problem is that 95% of the recipients are the same. This cannot reduce poverty if it continues," he added.

According to him, the PKH budget, which is quite large, reaching almost Rp40 trillion, must be accounted for and must be able to reduce poverty.

In addition to increasing graduation, Ari also asked PKH assistants to reduce the number of stunting and Tuberculosis (TBC) sufferers because based on data from the World Health Organization, Indonesia ranks 3rd in the number of sufferers of these two diseases.

"We are in the 3rd place for stunting and tuberculosis. This must be suppressed. It is our collective duty, including PKH assistants," he explained.

The government's commitment to overcoming TB is realized by including people with this disease in the category of PKH recipients. They will receive assistance of Rp3 million per person. Meanwhile, to overcome malnutrition, PKH companions are tasked with ensuring that toddlers get adequate nutritional intake in their first 1,000 days through the components of pregnant women and children under five, each amounting to Rp3 million.

"In addition to assistance, the Family Capacity Building Meeting (P2K2) must also contain material on preventing stunting and the dangers of tuberculosis," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Pepen Nazaruddin, explained that the distribution of PKH social assistance in 33 regencies/cities of North Sumatra Province until October amounted to Rp2 trillion for 439,383 KPM PKH.

Meanwhile, at the national level, the final stage of aid distribution until October 24 has been disbursed simultaneously throughout Indonesia amounting to 36.8 trillion rupiah for 10 million KPM, including for Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province.

Pepen also reported that from the target of one million PKH graduations, 860,657 KPM have been achieved this November.

"For North Sumatra Province, this province is recorded to have graduated as many as 27,810 KPM or 6.1% of the total KPM. Simalungun Regency is recorded to have graduated as many as 1,066 KPM or 4.16% of the total KPM," added Pepen.

The coordination meeting and technical guidance for improving the quality of PKH human resources were attended by 122 people, consisting of the Provincial Social Service, Simalungun District Social Office, Simalungun District PKH Human Resources, to the Regional Coordinator and Sumatra Regional Coordinator.