JAKARTA (December 10th 2019) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs expressed its appreciation for the Indonesian Ombudsman regarding his input on the Family Hope Program (PKH).

"We express our appreciation and gratitude to the Indonesian Ombudsman for providing important input on the sustainability of PKH. Of course, if there are administrative errors we will definitely fix them," said the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara in Jakarta, Tuesday.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Social Affairs after the Ombudsman submitted the PKH Implementation Rapid Assessment Report to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the State Bank Association (Himbara). The submission of this report is conducted at the Ombudsman Office of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/12).

At this meeting, representing the Minister of Social Affairs was the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Harry Hikmat. Meanwhile, members of the Indonesian Ombudsman were represented by Ahmad Suadi, and Head of Assistant Substance 7 Ombudsman Ahmad Sobirin, as well as representatives of the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises.

"The Ombudsman is one of the government's working partners whose role is to check and balance the government's performance. So, this Ombudsman report is an important input for us to improve PKH," he said.

The minister said PKH was a national priority program that was expected to be able to reduce poverty and inequality. This program is fronted by the Ministry of Social Affairs, which in its implementation is also to encourage the independence of the beneficiaries so that in less than five years they have graduated independently or graduated from PKH membership.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Harry Hikmat said that the results of the Rapid Assessment that had been received would be studied, including aspects that had to be followed up immediately and things that had to be fundamentally improved.

"The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to make improvements and refinements in the distribution of PKH, to ensure that social assistance is received by Beneficiary Families (KPM) according to the 6T principle," he told reporters.

The 6T principles are the right target, quality, amount, price, time and administration. A number of strategic and innovative steps have been taken to comply with the 6T principles, namely the e-PKH application, integration of e-PKH with the New Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS-NG), presenting a PKH Contact Center since 2018, and Reconciliation with Himbara every 3 months.

e-PKH is a digital-based breakthrough made by the Ministry of Social Affairs. e-PKH makes it easier to validate prospective PKH recipients without paper and files because they are paperless. In addition, through the use of e-PKH, the benefits include being able to automatically calculate social assistance (bansos), being able to enter the results of verification of KPM commitments quickly, updating data directly, and monitoring the implementation of Family Capacity Building Meetings (P2K2). sustainable.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also prepared a Call Center for KPM PKH complaints at 1500299, while a Call Center for receiving complaints from stakeholders (Provincial, District / City Social Services, related agencies, PKH Implementing HR) at 021-314 4321. The public can also submit complaints and information through the Call Center BNI 1500046, BRI 14017 or (021) 1500017, Bank Mandiri 14000, and BTN 1500286.

"This information and complaint service cooperates with Himbara as a partner because they are a non-cash social assistance distribution bank throughout Indonesia. These banks distribute social assistance according to what the Ministry of Social Affairs instructs," he added.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also used OM-SPAN (Online Monitoring of the State Treasury and Budget System) created by the Ministry of Finance. This is a web-based application that can be accessed via the Intranet network and the Internet which is used to monitor SPAN system transactions and provide reporting as needed.

In its implementation, this system has a positive impact, namely reducing significantly the number of failed transfers from tens of thousands of KPM to less than 200 beneficiaries at each stage, information on reports of successful and unsuccessful transfers to benefit accounts can be immediately obtained by the Ministry of Social Affairs, until the transfer-failed assistance, the data is re-validated or returned to the state treasury and can be distributed again after correcting the data.

The Ministry of Social Affairs, continued Harry, in early December also held a National Reconciliation of PKH Non-Cash Social Assistance Distribution. This routine activity every three months is a joint evaluation between the Ministry of Social Affairs and all related work partners, namely Himbara and the Provincial and District / City Social Services. The evaluation is carried out in order to improve the performance of distribution from the aspect of accountability, as well as a material for improving services for beneficiaries.

"The reconciliation focuses on a number of problems such as the Prosperous Family Card (KKS) which is not distributed due to multiple accounts, distribution errors in the bank area and the replacement of management for KPM who dies with heirs. Through this activity, it is hopefully distribution problems can be resolved so that non-distributed KKS are determined to be returned to the state treasury on December 27th 2019," said Harry.

Ombudsman Support

Meanwhile, member of the Ombudsman, Ahmad Suaedi, stated that he would continue to provide full support for the PKH run by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Himbara by continuing to monitor its implementation in the field, so that problems were not found in the future.

"In essence, the Ombudsman supports PKH to affirm the underprivileged and with disabilities. If there are problems in the distribution, it is our job to check and submit the report to those concerned so that it will be responded and corrected immediately," he said.

Ahmad said the Ombudsman had received complaints from the public regarding PKH. Some of the reports received by the Ombudsman included, among others, social assistance recipients who were not on target, PKH recipients who could not disburse assistance at the bank, or social assistance recipients with an empty account balance.

"The Ombudsman appreciates the Ministry of Social Affairs that it will follow up on our report and always coordinate with us. We will also continue to monitor the implementation of PKH," said Ahmad.