PURWOKERTO (September 2, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to improve the quality of the Family Hope Program (PKH) to overcome poverty problems in Indonesia.

"According to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. Juliari P. Batubara, that we are asked to renew PKH, especially in improving quality," said Director General of Social Protection and Security (Linjamsos), Pepen Nazaruddin, when opening the Technical Coordination Meeting for Improving the Quality of PKH Human Resources in Purwokerto , Wednesday (2/9).

In his direction, Pepen said that quality improvement can be done from two sides, namely the program implementation mechanism, by continuing to improve and complete regulations, as well as in terms of human resource capabilities. This is solely to strengthen the quantity of KPM Graduation.

"We are all reminded not to let the implementation of PKH just get stuck in routine program implementation. Make sure the targets and budget are always there, the mechanism can be implemented, and the status of the companion is maintained," said Pepen.

Furthermore, Pepen reminded that the output of PKH is the achievement of independent graduation. "Don't forget that the output final of this program (PKH) is the graduation of (independent) KPM," he said.

According to him, improving this quality is mandatory because PKH has become a priority program for the government. "The main goal of PKH is as a tool to fight poverty," explained Pepen.

The Ministry of Social Affairs targets the 2020 Independent Graduation KPM as many as ten percent of the total PKH recipients nationally.

In the same place, the Director of Family Social Security (JSK) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Rachmat Koesnadi, explained that there are several things that PKH HR must pay attention to in order to carry out their duties properly.

"First, ensuring that the Social Welfare Card (KKS) is still held by KPM. Second, all PKH human resources must work together in the field for the acceleration, accuracy and usefulness of assistance for beneficiaries," explained Rachmat.

Third, he continued, all human resources must be able to protect KPM from debt bondage, both from mobile banks, banks emok and other illegal loans. As for the fourth, he said, PKH human resources were asked to take KPM seriously for graduation.

"All that must be done by PKH HR," said Rachmat.

To be able to realize quality PKH HR, the Ministry of Social Affairs has improved the quality of 157 PKH HR from Banyumas, Cilacap, Banjarnegara, Purbalingga, Temanggung, to Wonosobo Regencies in 3 different locations in Purwokerto. In addition, 1,106 social assistants also participated intraining online.

Among several PKH human resources that day, there was a PKH Facilitator from Temanggung Regency, Ady Wibowo, who managed to independently graduate as many as 102 KPM assisted. In front of the Director General, Ady explained some tips how to be successful in graduating KPM.

"The main thing is the solid cooperation between the assistants with the Korcam, Korkab, Korwil and the Social Service. Then, every month routinely carry out Family Capacity Building Meetings (P2K2)," said Ady.

He added that there is a need for coordination and cooperation with cross-sectoral and government levels, starting from the village level government to the local Regency/City Social Service level.