PALU (September 7, 2022) - The Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, took the time to visit Nipotowe Center in Palu after visiting several flood locations in Sigi Regency and Palu City. Assistance from MoSA was handed over directly by Social Minister Risma to flood victims with a total aid of IDR 878,000,000 (Eight Hundred Seventy-Eight Million) on Wednesday morning, (07/09/2022).


At around 10:00 a.m, after finishing assisting flood victims, the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Tri Rismaharini together with Matindas J. Rumambi, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VIII, and their entourage headed to Nipotowe Center, to monitor several case response activities and ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Nipotowe, as well as having lunch together at Nipotowe Inclusion Cafe.


Arriving at Nipotowe Center, Risma appreciated the beneficiary's handicrafts displayed at Nipotowe ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) Gallery, especially the products of eco print and paper recycling. Risma also had the opportunity to directly observe the process of making handicrafts and interact with the beneficiaries until they were willing to sit on the floor.


"Come on...try it if you make it, arrange it, don't just put it in, so that the results are good, beautiful," said Risma while sitting on the floor, taking the time to teach how to arrange the leaves on the fabric that will be made eco print batik to deaf beneficiaries so that can produce beautiful motifs.


Social Affairs Minister Risma's presence at Nipotowe Center was enthusiastically welcomed by the beneficiaries, one of whom was Defriansyah, a person with a hearing-speech sensory disability. Defriansyah painted a picture of Risma on the canvas and dared to hand it over right away. Unexpectedly, the work was well received by Risma, and expressed her gratitude through sign language, which made Defriansyah happy and excited.


Some of the handicrafts displayed at Nipotowe SKA Gallery were also brought by Risma to Jakarta. This is a center for entrepreneurship and vocational development for beneficiaries who come from persons with disabilities, ABH (children against the law) and AMPK (Children in need of special protection), neglected elderly, and the poor and social welfare service recipients at Nipotowe Center Palu.


On that occasion, also present Robben Rico was Acting Director General of Social Protection and Security, Iyan Kusmadiana as Director of PSKBA, Sitti Hasbiah N.Zaenong as Head of the Social Office of Central Sulawesi Province, Nursyamsu as head of Nipotowe Center and several regional officials from Sigi Regency and Palu City.