BANDUNG (July 8, 2020) – The implementation of reforms is one of the things that the Inspectorate General pays attention to. In this regard, the Inspectorate General held a sampling test of the Public Service Quality Assurance Information System (e-SiQAP) as a tangible manifestation of the implementation of the Eight Areas of Bureaucratic Reform Change, especially regarding improving the quality of public services.

Public services are very influential in realizing Bureaucratic Reform, a Corruption-Free Area Towards a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region. Meanwhile, the results of the 2015 assessment showed that the value of the Ministry of Social Affairs' public services was still in the red zone, while in 2019 the results showed that the Ministry of Social Affairs was still in the yellow zone. This shows that the Ministry of Social's public services are still not good. This also encourages the Inspectorate General to continue to evaluate public services in order to identify deficiencies that must be corrected. This assessment is carried out using e-SiQAP.

E-SiQAP is an online-based information system that is used as a means to improve service quality as an obligation and a promise to the community in the context of quality, fast, easy, and regular service in accordance with Law Number 25, 2009. Service recipients through the performance of the Inspectorate General.

The Inspectorate General himself has carried out the e-SiQAP sampling test in two work units at the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely the Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic and the Bandung Social Welfare Education and Training Center. In this picking test, there are ten components that are assessed through e-SiQAP. These components are standard services, announcements, public service information systems, facilities and infrastructure, special services, complaint management, performance appraisals, and service mottos, attributes and integrated services.