JAKARTA (12 September 2023) - Ministry of Social Affairs through the Center for Education, Training and Professional Development (Pusdiklatbangprof) is carrying out the Competency Test for the Functional Position of Social Counselor Batch 3 of 2023. There is something special about holding the competency test (Ukom) this time. From 26 participants, one of them is a person with visual disabilities.
The participant, Dendi Arifianto, comes from Komnas HAM. Dendi registered to take the competency test for changing positions to become a Social Counselor. "I'm happy to be able to join Ukom at Pusdiklatbangprof," said Dendi. He hopes that when he becomes a social counselor, Dendi will make a book about access work for persons with visual disabilities.
When taking the competency test, Dendi was facilitated by a companion from Pusdiklatbangprof as a form of inclusive and disability-friendly service.