BANDUNG (27 November 2019) - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) collaborated with Bakohumas to organize a Bakohumas Thematic Forum with the theme "Renewable Energy Now and the Future".

The meeting was attended by the Head of Sub Directorate of Public Communication Partnership, Helmi Hafid and 70 people of the Ministry / Institution's Public Relations. Also present was a young influencer, Yudhistira Udd Sondakh (28) as a resource person in the activity.

On this occasion, the Head of the Public Service Subdivision of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Salman Akira Togi, representing the Head of the Communication, Public Information Services and Cooperation Bureau, Agung Pribadi, stated that the use of energy resources is currently still dominated by fossil energy such as petroleum, natural gas, minerals and coal. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources predicts that Indonesia's oil reserves will run out in 2030.

"Indonesia has the potential for New and Renewable Energy (EBT) which is very large but has not been managed properly," said Salman.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has made various efforts to encourage renewable energy development and accelerate the energy transition. These programs include the Mandatory B30 Program, the distribution of more than 300,000 Energy Saving Solar Lamps (LTSHE) to communities in rural areas in Indonesia, the construction of more than 26,000 Public Street Lighting - Solar Power, the issuance of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation on Roof PLTS, and preparation of the Renewable Energy Road Map.

"As of September 2019, the electrification ratio in Indonesia reached 98.86%, an increase of 0.56% from December 2018, which was 98.3%," he added.

Related to this, Salman appealed to the public relations of Ministries / Institutions to work together to be able to provide education to the public about the role of the government (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources) in providing basic needs for the community, namely information, one of which is by using social media as the right communication channel to introduce Indonesian-made EBT.