BBPPKS Sumatra Produce Human Resources Apparatus Reliable and Professional Social Welfare

  • BBPPKS Sumatra Produce Human Resources Apparatus Reliable and Professional Social Welfare
  • 15723638139440
  • 15723638224832
  • 15723633387295

Writer :
Humas BBPPKS Sumatra
Editor :
Putri D
Translator :
Yusa Maliki; Karlina Irsalyana

PADANG (October 29, 2019) - The Regional I Sumatra Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS) has improved the skills and competencies of the Social Welfare Apparatus Officers in the Regional Region of Sumatra through the Social Welfare Management Development Training Program (MPKS) which was held from October 28 to November 6, 2019.

Education and Training was opened by the Head of BBPPKS Regional I Sumatra Beni Sujanto in the Library Classroom on Tuesday (29/10). The opening ceremony was attended by structural and functional officials in BBPPKS Regional I Sumatra.

The training aimed at Echelon IV Structural Officials at the Supervisor level was attended by 30 apparatus HRs from the Social Service, Social Rehabilitation Centers and UPTD Orphanages in the Region of Sumatra including from Aceh, North Sumatra, Bengkulu, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Sumatra Islands West and South Sumatra.

During the 10-day activity, participants will develop their knowledge and skills in terms of the Technical Development of Social Welfare Implementation by the Regional IWBPPKS Sumatra I, through the following material: Social Welfare Development Policy, Social Work Capita Selekta, Social Problem Analysis, Planning, Organizing, Mobilizing and Control in Organizing Social Welfare.

In addition to technical and theoretical material in class, participants will also be invited to see firsthand the application of the Social Welfare Development Concept in three different agency units through Field Learning Practices that are held for two days, with a locus of Social Services, UPTD Social Institution and Research Planning Agency and Development in Tanah Datar District. With PBL, participants can see and compare not only the strengths but also the weaknesses of each of these agencies in applying Social Welfare Concepts and Techniques as learning. Participants' PBL results will then be disseminated and a Follow-up Action Plan created.

With this activity, it is expected that the Social Welfare Apparatus of the Social Security Level Supervisor in the Regional Sumatra will be more reliable and professional in providing social welfare and providing social services to the community.
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