BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Attends Hospitality Event of Mahavira Graha Temple

  • BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Attends Hospitality Event of Mahavira Graha Temple
  • 15712620238673
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Photographer :
Humas BRSLU "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi
Editor :
Aryokta Ismawan
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BEKASI (October 15, 2019) - The “Budhi Dharma” Bekasi Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) fulfilled an invitation from the Mahavira Graha Central Indonesian Buddhist Center Association Temple, Jakarta. In this friendly event, the elderly throughout Jabotabek received gifts of love in the month of Elderly Social Service. This event invited 1,700 elderly people to have a meal together and were friendly and enlivened by artists from the monastery.

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