Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Observes Earthquake Affected Locations in Pasaman Barat

  • Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Observes Earthquake Affected Locations in Pasaman Barat
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-03-03 at 16.49.17
  • 16465748728147
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-03-03 at 16.49.22
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-03-03 at 16.49.21
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-03-03 at 16.49.20 (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-03-03 at 16.49.21 (1)

Photographer :
Alek Triyono (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

PASAMAN BARAT (March 3, 2022) - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendi, together with the Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi Ansharullah, Acting Director of PSKBA, Iyan Kusmadiyana and the Head of BBPPKS Padang, Sunarti visited the earthquake-affected location in Pasaman Barat and handed over compensation to the heirs of 2 people worth IDR15 million, and handed over 1,000 rolls of tents, as well as logistics worth more than IDR294 million to the Deputy Regent of Pasaman Barat, Thursday (3/3).

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