Discussion on Draft Simplification of the Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation in the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security Involves the Technical Unit

  • Discussion on Draft Simplification of the Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation in the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security Involves the Technical Unit
  • 16038453745830
  • 16038453749937
  • 16038453746027
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Photographer :
Alif Mufida Ulya
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BOGOR (27 October 2020) - Head of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Sanusi, was present to provide direction and assistance in the discussion on the preparation of simplification of the draft of the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) on Social Protection for Disaster Victims led by the Head of the Organization, Law and Public Relations (OHH) Section at the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, Helmi Dt. R. Mulya.

The discussion was carried out in-depth through simplifying the existing Permensos by directly involving representatives from related technical units within the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, starting from the Directorate of Social Protection for Victims of Natural Disasters (PSKBA), Social Protection for Victims of Social Disasters (PSKBS), and Family Social Security (JSK).

With the simplification of Permensos, it is hoped that in the future it will become a large umbrella that will accommodate regulations on social protection for disaster victims.

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