Distribution of Phase 1 and 2 Rice Social Assistance in Tangerang Regency

  • Distribution of Phase 1 and 2 Rice Social Assistance in Tangerang Regency
  • BSB MAUK2 edit
  • BSB MAUK3 edit
  • BSB MAUK4 edit
  • BSB MAUK5 edit
  • BSB MAUK7 edit

Photographer :
Jumadi (Pekerja Sosial Masyarakat Kab. Tangerang)
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

TANGERANG (14 October 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through Perum Bulog, distributed Rice Social Assistance for Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program (KPM PKH) Phase 1 and 2 in 11 Villages and 1 Kelurahan, Mauk District, Tangerang Regency, on Wednesday (14/10/2020).

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