Eid al-Adha Celebration 1443 H at the Centers of the Ministry of Social Affairs

  • Eid al-Adha Celebration 1443 H at the Centers of the Ministry of Social Affairs
  • 15743857457619
  • 16118419616868
  • 16122364191565
  • 16122364223409
  • 16122456514827
  • 16143032941199

Photographer :
Sentra Mulya Jaya, Sentra Handayani, Sentra Terpadu Inten Suweno dan Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

JABOBEK (July 10, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Technical Implementing Units (UPT) in various centers celebrates Eid al-Adha 1443 H by carrying out Eid prayers followed by the slaughter of sacrificial animals, Sunday (10/7). These centers include the Mulya Jaya Center in Jakarta, the Handayani Center in Jakarta, the Inten Suweno Cibinong Integrated Center and the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center in Bekasi.

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