Follow-up to the Execution of Class Action Lawsuit for Maluku and North Maluku Refugees

  • Follow-up to the Execution of Class Action Lawsuit for Maluku and North Maluku Refugees
  • 16032525826769
  • 16032526057629
  • 16032526059159
  • 16032526058053
  • 16032526052376
  • 16032526062009

Photographer :
Direktorat PSKBS
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

JAKARTA (12 October 2020) - In order to follow up on the implementation of Judicial Review Decision No. 451 PK / PDT / 2019 dated 31 July 2019 regarding the Maluku and North Maluku Refugee Class Action Lawsuit, the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS) of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security initiated an internal meeting to follow up on the execution of the lawsuit.

The meeting was opened by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, MO. Royani was accompanied by the Director of PSKBS, Sunarti, and was also attended by the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Drugs, Victor H. Siahaan, Assistant Deputy for Social Conflict of the Coordinating Ministry for or Human Development and Cultural Affairs (PMK), Ponco Respati Nugroho, representatives of the Legal Bureau, Planning Bureau, as well as structural and functional officials within the Directorate General of Social Security.

The presence of resource persons from the Coordinating Ministry for PMK to provide strengthening to the internal team of the Ministry of Social Affairs in forming a Pokja Team that will involve the defendants and the crucial steps therein, including duties, functions and responsibilities that must be carried out.

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